miercuri, 14 iulie 2010
Ce-or avea 'astia'... , mereu 'se leaga' de Tempo....?

Dupa aparitia, rand pe rand, a lui 'Polar F4', apoi a accesoriului Pool-Mate..., iata ca apare inca un accesoriu -'Tempo Trainer'; 'ambe-due', daca nu chiar 'ambe-third' se preocupa de, mereu, mereu de acest Tempo....
O fi chiar asa de important in ce fel de tempo inoti...?
Exista un tempo pt. inot pe lunga distanta...? Sau, pe scurta -sprint (50,100 M)
Eu mi-am 'taxat' conceptul BEST+IPA ca ceva foarte apropiat si intim 'stiintei' de a inota bine.... Din pacate, nimeni cu a prea dat ceva pe acest concept, ba , mai mult, unii se simt deja prea plictisiti de reluarile melesi eu stiu dece: deaaorece 'formula BEST' nu are nevoie decat a fi atent studiata si asimilata creator de fiecare, asa cum crede el de cuviinta; asta poate insemna si un fel de raspundere personala, de nimeni situta ci doar de tine, care incerci 'marea cu deshtu'....
Si mai este ceva, ceva care ma intereseaza; acel ceva se poate exprima astfel:
"Bine 'fratilor'..., in fond dece sa avem si 'noi' ceva de spus in lume asta a inotului...; mai bine ii lasam pe altii sa ia ei 'cireasa de pe tort' ..."???
Iata niste 'pase' de dincolo de Ocean...
Tempo Trainer
The Tempo Trainer acts as a personal pace coach to elevate swim training and maximize performance in all of the four competitive strokes. The small waterproof unit attaches to a swimmer's goggle or cap and transmits an audible beep. This audible cue can be adjusted to help develop consistency of stroke rate and stroke cycle as well as to identify and distinguish between optimal training and race paces. Further, because of the simplicity of the device, the benefits and uses of the Tempo Trainer go beyond the pool and are only limited to the coach's imagination.
Tempo Trainer (#105015)
US$39.99 US$39.99 OUT OF STOCK (7.20.10) BUY NOW
Transmits an audible beep to help develop consistency of stroke and cycle rates
Scrolls in hundredths of a second
Worn underneath cap or placed under the goggle strap near temple
Features & Benefits
Waterproof Sonic Welding:
Completely submergible, sweat-proof and splash-proof. Ideal for all swimming, running or cycling workouts.
Audible beep can be adjusted from 0.10 seconds to 10 minutes:
Can be used for all facets of pacing and training to help athletes better understand and achieve personal benchmarks. Train smarter with instantaneous feedback.
Back clip attachment:
Allows unit to be clipped to goggle strap, helmet, headband, shirt, or hat for use in all environments.
Basic two-button design:
Scrolls quickly and easily for use at all levels of training.
Coustomers Reviews
I never knew that the transition from pool swimming to open water could be so challenging! Growing up as a sprint freestyler, I have had to work hard to adapt my "pool stroke" for efficient open water distance swimming. One of the most critical elements to swimming fast in choppy conditions is to keep your stroke rate really high which is why I started using a Finis tempo trainer. Within a week of adding my tempo trainer to my training sessions my pool times have already dropped and I am finding it easier and more natural to swim at a higher stroke rate. The tempo trainer doesn't lie and it helps keep me honest even when my arms start to burn! It isn't always easy to stay in sync with the BEEP, but I know that come race season I am going to be completely prepared and ready to swim fast amongst the best triathletes in the world! Thank you, Finis!
Jenna, Boulder CO Mar 15,2010
Great product. But what isn't evident from the description is that the battery is not replaceable. The battery is supposed to last a year, but the forums indicate your actual mileage may vary. Having had an expensive waterproof watch die in the pool after a battery change, I understand why this unit is sealed. I just wish its cost reflected its disposable nature.
Rob, Maryland Apr 07,2010
Short battery life. Mine only lasted 6 months.
Jason, Phoenix May 24,2010
'scot' si eu, din 'arhiva mea secreta'..., cate 'ceva' din istoria BEST...; este prima mea corespondenta, la 'nivel inalt' cu cineva din Staful FINA....; din scrisori se remarca ca subiectul era f. interesant si apreciat + era trimis, spre rezolvare operativa, la cei care lucrau direct in Comitetul Sportiv INOT , una din cele mai importanmte comisii ale FINA....; birocratia si-a spus cuvantul.....

<< autorul acestor randuri nu-i altul decat "Il Presidente Onorifico al FINA,
Sg. Lic. Javier Ostos Mora" corespondenta din 1999 >>
Sg. Lic. Javier Ostos Mora" corespondenta din 1999 >>
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