Monday, November 26, 2018


Introduction in the ’B.E.S.T.’ concept
 ’Festina lente’ made in Swimming
by Mircea Olaru (Note) pe 13 iulie 2011 la 16:32

The need to test the efficiency of the swimmer’s movements was generated by the endeavour (1970-1980) of our coaches to find the most appropriate methodical way ın order to form young swimmers, an endeavour which started from these undoubted facts:
1. the spectacular rising of “wonder children” because of the speculations upon the “early specialization” and forced training, especially at swimming.
2. the usage of a selection base strictly on de facto performance, without taking into consideration the future modifications of the biological motor and functional balance.
3. the early rejection from the selection arena of other children and the massive loss of new elements.
4. the deviation from the performance prognosis of “wonder children” when they became adults. The deviation was negative – “wonder children” did not confirm!
Evidently, between 1970-80 it has been worked in “detriment” and some of the coaches even asked that children swimming training should contain “beauty” contest, something hard to be accepted.
As a federal coach (1982) I have tried to redirect the methodological content of children training:
I wanted a greater mass of children to be interested in sports swimming,
I wanted them to swim in the most correct way,
I wanted all these without forcing them;
By time, this new concept came up; he was published oficially began from 1983, in Revists / Magasine E.F.S. [1983/3, 1987/2] or other publications [ see bibliography].
At a special moment, apart from the beauty contests proposed by the coaches, I start looking for objective, mathematical information; in everyone’s conscience the chronometer is an undoubted source of information; but performance has some other elements too: tempo, technique and organism function, etc.
From all of these the easiest to control is the tempo, that is the number of movements per space or time unit. With these 2 elements (chronometer and tempo) one could have done larger evaluations, because you can not win with a hard (+ tiring) tempo and when the ones with moderate tempos won, this was reached by a perfect technique. This is why they were efficient!
Slow tempo/high speed – this is what we need for a future athlete
Under these circumstances a new concept has shown up and by time it got bigger (it is applicable not only to beginners but to other categories also, especially “Masters”) and because the acronym of the title in English was BEST I have adopted this name BEST Concept ( Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test )


Definiţii BEST, Les Definitions du BEST,
The BEST Definitions, Der BEST – Definitionen

R1/. Tehnica corecta inseamna eficienta de miscare in apa… “testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot”(BEST) se calculeaza astfel: adun ‘timpul’(‘t’) cu ‘vaslirile’(‘v’) suma lor o scad dintr-o valoare constanta (‘k’)(aleasa aleator = ‘100’) + indicele personal de alunecare (ipa). adica - { 100+ipa } – { timp + vasliri } = ......

F1/ La tehnique corecte de la nage implique l’efficience du mouvement dans l’eau.
’’Tester l’efficience / l’efficacite biomecanique dans l’eau’’ [ The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test – B.E.S.T. ....] ce calcule comme suit:
- aditioner le temps (’T’) au les mouvement (par 50m) (’M’), la somme se deduit d’une valeur constante (’K’)[choisie aleatoire, par ex. = 100 point] + l’Indice Personel de Glisse (I.P.G.) c’este a dire, la formule: [100 + IPG ] – [ ’T’ + ’M’] = ... offre le meilleur resultat, (points BEST).

E1/The corect swim-technique means the efficiency of the movements in the water; it can be calculated by this way: add the number of the seconds and the number of the stroke-cicles (by 50m) and this sume will be extracted from the other constant sume provided from adition of the one constant value (K) (100) plus the Index of the personal Gliding (IPG)

D1/. *Die korrekte Technik setzt eine effiziente Fortbewegung im Wasser voraus...”Testen der biomechanischen Effizienz beim Schwimmen” (best)
Diese wird wie folgt berechnet: wir addieren die zwei Werte (Zeit und Züge); die Summe wird aus einer Konstante „k” abgezogen ( „k” wird per Zufall ausgewählt = „100”) + persönlicher Gleitindex (pgi). D.h. – { 100+pgi } – { Zeit + Züge } =.......

R2/ Obiectivitatea conceptului si a formulei ‘b.e.s.t.’ rezida din urmatoarea logica: ‘adun doua marimi, (timpul / ’t’ + vaslirile / ’v’) care au sens descrescator, - dupa care, le scad din constanta {‘100’ + ‘ipa’} si obtin (facil + repede / mental way ...) valoarea prestatiei in apa’

F2/ La logique du BEST et son objectivite:
J’additionne deux valeurs, deux quantites , le temps T. et le mouvement M. (des cicles de bras – pour Libre et pour le Dos 2 bras alternative, pour Brasse et pour Papillon une cicle concomitente, seulmant), les valeur qui ont un sens (desirable...!) decroissants et apres je deduis de la valeur constante (anterieur calcule) [ ’100 + IPG’] et j’obtiens (tres facile et vite / by mental way...) la valeur de la prestation dans l’eau.

E2/The objectivity of the ‘best formula’ results from this new exercise of logic: ‘we add two value (time+stroke), this values have their sense descendent (!)…, and, after we substrate this sum from one constant value (accidentally (k) = 100 + ipg points)’.
in this mod we can obtain (very easy, by mental way) the supreme value of the swimming efficiency.

D2/ Die Objektivität des Konzeptes und der Formel „b.e.s.t.” baut auf die folgende Logik auf: „ wir addieren zwei Gröβen, (Zeit + Züge), die einen absteigenden Sinn verzeichnen. Diese werden nachher von der Konstante { „100” + „pgi”} abgezogen. Das Ergebnis (einfach + schnell / mental way...) stellt den Wert der Leistung im Wasser dar.
R3/“indicele personal de alunecare” (i.p.a. / este ca un kard-annual) ‘L.’ + (k) – (kgr. + Q) ‘L.’ = lungimea maxima a corpului / pluta ‚(k)’= o constantă cu valoare 100 puncte ‘gr.’ = greutatea in kilograme / + ‘q.’ = diametrul/cm. subaxilar in expiratie profunda – the “index of personal gliding “ (i.p.g.)

R3/“indicele personal de alunecare” (i.p.a. / este ca un kard-annual) ‘L.’ + (k) – (kgr. + Q) ‘L.’ = lungimea maxima a corpului / pluta ‚(k)’= o constantă cu valoare 100 puncte ‘gr.’ = greutatea in kilograme / + ‘q.’ = diametrul/cm. subaxilar in expiratie profunda – the “index of personal gliding “ (i.p.g.)

F3/ L’indice de la Glisse dans l’eau (IPG) este une valeur constante, comme un card banquare, qui le calcule annuellement:
’L.’ + (encore une ’K’ de 100 points, aleatoire...!) la somme se deduit d’une autre somme resulte par addition de ’Kgr.’ + ’Q.’, c’est a dire:
[ L. + (K) ] – [ Kgr. + Q ] = la valeur anuelle plus constante de IPG en points....
’L.’ – longuer maximale du corp entierre
(la possision fondamentale de nage - planche de flotation du corp sur le ventre ou sur le dos verrifie sur terrre);
(k) – une ciffre constante, aleatoire, d’une valeur de 100 points;
’Kgr.’ - Kilogrames du corp, sur terre;
’Q.’ – le diametre en cm. de la cage thoracique en expir profonde, et le resultat de cette formule que l’on nomme – Indice Personel de Glisse (IPG) dans l’eau, avec ses point et d’une valeur constante, annuelle.

E3/ The index personal of gliding (ipg) is lake a ‘credit card’ (the validity is minimum one year): with this ipg we can organize the series of the race in perfect ‘faire-play’ (indifferent of the sex or age) the competitors with same or appropriate values will be introduce in the same series …the periodical calcul of this ipg formula is found with regarding to the hydrodynamics principle (reynolds+froude),
so: ‘’from the value of the maximum longer of the body (ventral float position)(L.) / in additions with another accidentally value constant (k=100), we will substrate the sum of the nr. of kgr. (weight) with the Q. (nr. of cm. of the circumference of the upper thorax in deep expiration). ‘L.’+(k) – ( ‘kgr.’ + ‘q.’)

D3/ 'Der persönliche Gleitindex” (p.g.i./ ist wie eine Kreditkarte, die 1 Jahr gültig ist (kard-annual)). „L” = die maximale Körperlänge / ventral float position; „k” = eine Konstante mit dem Wert von 100 Punkten; „kgr” = das Gewicht in Kilogramm / + „Q” = Durchmesser/cm des oberen Brustkorbabschnittes bei tiefer Ausatmung

R4/ aplicabilitatea ‘annual kard-(ului)’(ipg – index of personal gliding ), indiferent de sex si chiar de varsta subiectilor…, este data de faptul ca criteriile alese, pentru folosirea sa ca instrument de departajare / organizare a intrecerilor de inot sportiv , sunt cele induse in selectia naturala:
# cu cat un corp este mai lung (l.),
# cu cat un corp este mai usor, (gr.)
# cu cat un corp este mai ingust (q.)
cu atat mai eficient pluteste, aluneca sau inainteaza !

F4/ L’application (calculation) annuelle du kard IPG –non peliee du sex, genne, et de l’age du suject (!), sont donnes comme une unique critere pour departager / organiser les eventuellle competitions (des series avec une real ’fraire-play’) de concurs de ’excelence tehnique de nage’ par 50m, car ce sont les criteres induits par la selection naturelle:
- plus que le corp est long .....
- plus que le corp est leger....
- plus que le corp est etroit ....
cet corp peut glisse et avance plus bien, plus efficace !

E4/The valability of the index personal of gliding (ipg) results from that – all criteria selected to make the series for the challenge was selected from the normal natural selection:
when the longer of the body is big…
when the weight of the body is light...
when the frontal section of the body is small
the float, the gliding and the swimming speed will be more efficiency to advance better with one correct technique !

D4/ Die Gültigkeit des „kard-annual” (pgi – persönlicher Gleitindex), unabhängig von Geschlecht oder Alter der Angewiesenen..., ist darauf zurückzuführen: die Kriterien, die ausgewählt wurden, um zu bestimmen, inwiefern die „annual kard” als Instrument zur Unterscheidung von Leistungen oder Veranstaltung von Schwimm-Wettkämpfen verwendet werden kann, gehen auf die natürliche Auswahl zurück:
je länger ein Körper ist (l.),
je leichter ein Körper ist (kgr),
je schmaler ein Körper ist (q.),
desto effizienter wird er schwimmen, gleiten oder sich im Wasser fortbewegen.

** The numbering of rowing cycles can be made by visual inspection or with a mechanical/electronic(?) counter that could avoid the errors (see Swimmnovate/PoolMate, FINIS - watch counter, Polar F14).

****** Die Zählung der Ruderungsabläufe kann frei (visuell) durchgeführt werden oder mit Hilfe eines mechanischen/elektronischen (?) ‘counter’s, der die Kopfzählung vereinfachen soll und mögliche Fehler vermeiden soll (Varianten - Swimmnovate/PoolMate, FINIS - watch counter, Polar F14).

Bibliografie selectiva:
M. Sgrumala, I. Bidoaie –‘Proiectarea navelor mici, Ed. Tehnica, Buc. 1978, p.17,
(Principiul Reynolds – Froude, bibl.: Saunders, N-York, 1957))
M.Olaru – INOT – manual metodic, Ed. Sport-Turism, 1982, p.184,
M.Olaru – Rev E.F.S. nr 3/1983 p.49 "Testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot'.
M.Olaru – Rev E.F.S. nr. 2/1987, p.27 'Ierarhizarea numerica a prestatiilor inotatorilor'.
M.Olaru – 'Să nu ne temen de apă', Ed. Sport-Turism, 1988, p.90, sport-book
M.Olaru – Note de curs-inot, Univ. Ecologica Buc., Ed. Universitara, 1991, p. 123
M.Olaru – Afise editate de FRN & Canada Swimming Natation,1995, color, 4000
E.Hines – 'Fitness Swimming', Human Kinetics, p.27, ('Swimming Golf'), 1995.
D. Hannula- “ Coaching Swimming succesfully’’, p.78 ( Minimum-Nr-.swims),1995
M.Olaru – Rev.'Stiinta Sportului', ed CCPS, nov 1999, Referat - ‘Un nou concept in pregatirea inotatoriilor'.
M.Olaru – ‚’Despre inot… cu Mircea Olaru’,CD+4 postere, ed. SSE, 2007, 1000 ex.
M. Olaru – referat la sesiunea de comunicari a Univ. Spiru Haret, Buc, 2008
’Testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot’
E. Maglisho – ’Stroke Counting Drills’’, from Swimming fastes, Hk Book ,2003

M.Olaru - ‘Despre inot....”, Ed. SSE, 2007,
mica-enciclopedie a inotului sportiv.
’Festina lente’ made in Swimming
by Mircea Olaru (Note) pe 13 iulie 2011 la 16:32

Preambul la conceptul BEST

Nevoia de a testa eficienta miscarilor inotatorului a fost generata de framantarile antrenorilor nostri (1970-80) de a gasi calea metodica cea mai indicata pentru formarea tinerilor inotatori, framantari care au pornit de la urmatoarele fapte de necontestat:
1. aparitia spectaculoasa a‚’’copiilor minune’’ datorita specularii conceptului de ’’specializare timpurie’’, fortarea pregatirii mai ales la inot.
2. aplicarea unei selectii strict legate de performanta de facto, fara a lua in consideratie viitoarele modificari ale echilibrului bio-motrico-functional.
3. respingerea de timpuriu din aria de selectie a altor copii, piederi masive de noi elemente.
4. abaterea de la prognozarea performantelor a ’’copiilor minune’’ in momentul devenirii lor adulte, abateri finale negative –’’copii minune’’ nu au confirmat !
Evident, intre anii 1970-80 s-a lucrat in ’’paguba’’ iar unii dintre antrenori au cerut chiar, ca pregatirea copiilor sa fie incununata de concursuri de ’’frumusete’’ la inot, maniera greu de acceptat.
Ajuns in functia de antrenor federal (1982) am incercat sa reorientez continutul metodic al pregatirii copiilor:
doream o masa mai mare de copii interesati de inotul sportiv,
doream ca acestia sa inoate cat mai corect,
doream toate aceste fara a-i forta;
treptat s-a conturat si acest nou concept, publicat pentru prima data incepand din 1983, in Revistele EFS [1983/3, 1987/2] sau alte publicatii oficiale.
Ca orice lucru nou, el nu a fost acceptat (nu este acceptat nici acum...) de cei mai multi antrenori iar cei care il sprijineau o faceau din motive subiective, din simpatie, fara a sti ca aplicarea noului cerea un nivel adecvat de profesionalism si mai ales de o munca migaloasa speciala
Fata de concursurile de frumusete propuse la un moment dat, de antrenori, eu am cautat date obiective, matamatice; in constiinta orisicui cronometrul reprezinta o sursa de informatii de necontestat; dar performanta are in spatele ei si alte elemente: tempoul, tehnica si functiunea organismului, s.a.m.d.
Dintre toate acestea cel mai usor de controlat este tempoul, adica numarul de miscari pe unitate de spatiu sau de timp. Cu aceste 2 elemente (cronometrul si tempoul) se putea face aprecieri mai ample, deoarecere nu toti castiga adoptand un tempo navalnic (+obositor) iar cei cu tempo mai moderat cand au castigat, intotdeauna au facut-o cu o tehnica impecabila. De aici si eficienta lor !
Tempo scazut / viteza marita – iata ce ne trebuie la un sportiv in devenire
In aceste conditii a aparut noul concept, devenit treptat mai amplu (aplicabil nu numai la incepatori ci si la alte categorii, mai ales la veteranii ’’Masters’’) iar pentru ca acronimul in engleza a titlului era BEST .... am adoptat numele – Conceptul BEST ( Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test )

Definiţii BEST, Les Definitions du BEST,
The BEST Definitions, Der BEST – Definitionen

R1/. Tehnica corecta inseamna eficienta de miscare in apa… “testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot”(BEST) se calculeaza astfel: adun ‘timpul’(‘t’) cu ‘vaslirile’(‘v’) suma lor o scad dintr-o valoare constanta (‘k’)(aleasa aleator = ‘100’) + indicele personal de alunecare (ipa). adica - { 100+ipa } – { timp + vasliri } = ......

F1/ La tehnique corecte de la nage implique l’efficience du mouvement dans l’eau.
’’Tester l’efficience / l’efficacite biomecanique dans l’eau’’ [ The Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test – B.E.S.T. ....] ce calcule comme suit:
- aditioner le temps (’T’) au les mouvement (par 50m) (’M’), la somme se deduit d’une valeur constante (’K’)[choisie aleatoire, par ex. = 100 point] + l’Indice Personel de Glisse (I.P.G.) c’este a dire, la formule: [100 + IPG ] – [ ’T’ + ’M’] = ... offre le meilleur resultat, (points BEST).

E1/The corect swim-technique means the efficiency of the movements in the water; it can be calculated by this way: add the number of the seconds and the number of the stroke-cicles (by 50m) and this sume will be extracted from the other constant sume provided from adition of the one constant value (K) (100) plus the Index of the personal Gliding (IPG)

D1/. *Die korrekte Technik setzt eine effiziente Fortbewegung im Wasser voraus...”Testen der biomechanischen Effizienz beim Schwimmen” (best)
Diese wird wie folgt berechnet: wir addieren die zwei Werte (Zeit und Züge); die Summe wird aus einer Konstante „k” abgezogen ( „k” wird per Zufall ausgewählt = „100”) + persönlicher Gleitindex (pgi). D.h. – { 100+pgi } – { Zeit + Züge } =.......

R2/ Obiectivitatea conceptului si a formulei ‘b.e.s.t.’ rezida din urmatoarea logica: ‘adun doua marimi, (timpul / ’t’ + vaslirile / ’v’) care au sens descrescator, - dupa care, le scad din constanta {‘100’ + ‘ipa’} si obtin (facil + repede / mental way ...) valoarea prestatiei in apa’

F2/ La logique du BEST et son objectivite:
J’additionne deux valeurs, deux quantites , le temps T. et le mouvement M. (des cicles de bras – pour Libre et pour le Dos 2 bras alternative, pour Brasse et pour Papillon une cicle concomitente, seulmant), les valeur qui ont un sens (desirable...!) decroissants et apres je deduis de la valeur constante (anterieur calcule) [ ’100 + IPG’] et j’obtiens (tres facile et vite / by mental way...) la valeur de la prestation dans l’eau.

E2/The objectivity of the ‘best formula’ results from this new exercise of logic: ‘we add two value (time+stroke), this values have their sense descendent (!)…, and, after we substrate this sum from one constant value (accidentally (k) = 100 + ipg points)’.
in this mod we can obtain (very easy, by mental way) the supreme value of the swimming efficiency.

D2/ Die Objektivität des Konzeptes und der Formel „b.e.s.t.” baut auf die folgende Logik auf: „ wir addieren zwei Gröβen, (Zeit + Züge), die einen absteigenden Sinn verzeichnen. Diese werden nachher von der Konstante { „100” + „pgi”} abgezogen. Das Ergebnis (einfach + schnell / mental way...) stellt den Wert der Leistung im Wasser dar.
R3/“indicele personal de alunecare” (i.p.a. / este ca un kard-annual) ‘L.’ + (k) – (kgr. + Q) ‘L.’ = lungimea maxima a corpului / pluta ‚(k)’= o constantă cu valoare 100 puncte ‘gr.’ = greutatea in kilograme / + ‘q.’ = diametrul/cm. subaxilar in expiratie profunda – the “index of personal gliding “ (i.p.g.)

F3/ L’indice de la Glisse dans l’eau (IPG) este une valeur constante, comme un card banquare, qui le calcule annuellement:
’L.’ + (encore une ’K’ de 100 points, aleatoire...!) la somme se deduit d’une autre somme resulte par addition de ’Kgr.’ + ’Q.’, c’est a dire:
[ L. + (K) ] – [ Kgr. + Q ] = la valeur anuelle plus constante de IPG en points....
’L.’ – longuer maximale du corp entierre
(la possision fondamentale de nage - planche de flotation du corp sur le ventre ou sur le dos verrifie sur terrre);
(k) – une ciffre constante, aleatoire, d’une valeur de 100 points;
’Kgr.’ - Kilogrames du corp, sur terre;
’Q.’ – le diametre en cm. de la cage thoracique en expir profonde, et le resultat de cette formule que l’on nomme – Indice Personel de Glisse (IPG) dans l’eau, avec ses point et d’une valeur constante, annuelle.

E3/ The index personal of gliding (ipg) is lake a ‘credit card’ (the validity is minimum one year): with this ipg we can organize the series of the race in perfect ‘faire-play’ (indifferent of the sex or age) the competitors with same or appropriate values will be introduce in the same series …the periodical calcul of this ipg formula is found with regarding to the hydrodynamics principle (reynolds+froude),
so: ‘’from the value of the maximum longer of the body (ventral float position)(L.) / in additions with another accidentally value constant (k=100), we will substrate the sum of the nr. of kgr. (weight) with the Q. (nr. of cm. of the circumference of the upper thorax in deep expiration). ‘L.’+(k) – ( ‘kgr.’ + ‘q.’)

D3/ 'Der persönliche Gleitindex” (p.g.i./ ist wie eine Kreditkarte, die 1 Jahr gültig ist (kard-annual)). „L” = die maximale Körperlänge / ventral float position; „k” = eine Konstante mit dem Wert von 100 Punkten; „kgr” = das Gewicht in Kilogramm / + „Q” = Durchmesser/cm des oberen Brustkorbabschnittes bei tiefer Ausatmung

R4/ aplicabilitatea ‘annual kard-(ului)’(ipg – index of personal gliding ), indiferent de sex si chiar de varsta subiectilor…, este data de faptul ca criteriile alese, pentru folosirea sa ca instrument de departajare / organizare a intrecerilor de inot sportiv , sunt cele induse in selectia naturala:
# cu cat un corp este mai lung (l.),
# cu cat un corp este mai usor, (gr.)
# cu cat un corp este mai ingust (q.)
cu atat mai eficient pluteste, aluneca sau inainteaza !
F4/ L’application (calculation) annuelle du kard IPG –non peliee du sex, genne, et de l’age du suject (!), sont donnes comme une unique critere pour departager / organiser les eventuellle competitions (des series avec une real ’fraire-play’) de concurs de ’excelence tehnique de nage’ par 50m, car ce sont les criteres induits par la selection naturelle:
- plus que le corp est long .....
- plus que le corp est leger....
- plus que le corp est etroit ....
cet corp peut glisse et avance plus bien, plus efficace !

E4/The valability of the index personal of gliding (ipg) results from that – all criteria selected to make the series for the challenge was selected from the normal natural selection:
when the longer of the body is big…
when the weight of the body is light...
when the frontal section of the body is small
the float, the gliding and the swimming speed will be more efficiency to advance better with one correct technique !

D4/ Die Gültigkeit des „kard-annual” (pgi – persönlicher Gleitindex), unabhängig von Geschlecht oder Alter der Angewiesenen..., ist darauf zurückzuführen: die Kriterien, die ausgewählt wurden, um zu bestimmen, inwiefern die „annual kard” als Instrument zur Unterscheidung von Leistungen oder Veranstaltung von Schwimm-Wettkämpfen verwendet werden kann, gehen auf die natürliche Auswahl zurück:
je länger ein Körper ist (l.),
je leichter ein Körper ist (kgr),
je schmaler ein Körper ist (q.),
desto effizienter wird er schwimmen, gleiten oder sich im Wasser fortbewegen.

** The numbering of rowing cycles can be made by visual inspection or with a mechanical/electronic(?) counter that could avoid the errors (see Swimmnovate/PoolMate, FINIS - watch counter, Polar F14)..

****** Die Zählung der Ruderungsabläufe kann frei (visuell) durchgeführt werden oder mit Hilfe eines mechanischen/elektronischen (?) ‘counter’s, der die Kopfzählung vereinfachen soll und mögliche Fehler vermeiden soll (Varianten -  Swimmnovate/PoolMate, FINIS - watch counter, Polar F14).).

Bibliografie selectiva:

M. Sgrumala, I. Bidoaie –‘Proiectarea navelor mici, Ed. Tehnica, Buc. 1978, p.17,
(Principiul Reynolds – Froude, bibl.: Saunders, N-York, 1957))

M.Olaru – INOT – manual metodic, Ed. Sport-Turism, 1982, p.184,
M.Olaru – Rev E.F.S. nr 3/1983 p.49 "Testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot'.
M.Olaru – Rev E.F.S. nr. 2/1987, p.27 'Ierarhizarea numerica a prestatiilor inotatorilor'.
M.Olaru – 'Să nu ne temen de apă', Ed. Sport-Turism, 1988, p.90, sport-book
M.Olaru – Note de curs-inot, Univ. Ecologica Buc., Ed. Universitara, 1991, p. 123
M.Olaru – Afise editate de FRN & Canada Swimming Natation,1995, color, 4000

E.Hines – 'Fitness Swimming', Human Kinetics, p.27, ('Swimming Golf'), 1995.
D. Hannula- “ Coaching Swimming succesfully’’, p.78 ( Minimum-Nr-.swims),1995

M.Olaru – Rev.'Stiinta Sportului', ed CCPS, nov 1999, Referat - ‘Un nou concept in pregatirea inotatoriilor'.
M.Olaru – ‚’Despre inot… cu Mircea Olaru’,CD+4 postere, ed. SSE, 2007, 1000 ex.
M. Olaru – referat la sesiunea de comunicari a Univ. Spiru Haret, Buc, 2008
’Testarea eficientei biomecanice la inot’
E. Maglisho – ’Stroke Counting Drills’’, from Swimming fastes, Hk Book ,2003