miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010
Doua mari probleme....
1 Decembrie....:
T.Vladimirtescu:"Patria este Poporul
T.Vladimirtescu:"Patria este Poporul
nu tagma jefuitorilor...!"
click aici +Google translate"La multi ani Patrie draga !"
====================...... In sportul mondial se contureaza 2 probleme mari,
====================...... In sportul mondial se contureaza 2 probleme mari,
situate la extreme: sportul ca debut si prestatia sportiva de top.In
ceea ce priveste 'debutu' sunt controverse rezultate din
Organizare si
motivatiile generate de aceasta....
la extrema cealalta, la cap.
Pregatire, nu mai sunt prea mari
probleme dar ramane un cap. plin de
mister si incertitudini:
"sustinerea si refacerea dupa efort" pentru a supracompensa
organismul ce se vrea in top [ in
acest domeniu noi am avut un
reprezentat stralucit, pe Prof. Dr. Ioan
Dragan, FINA-Medical
Com/Dep. anti-doping, omagiat in doua randuri de
acest inalt for international cu argint si aur, asa cum se obisnuieste
la sportivi ....,
D-zeu Sa-l odihneasca].Aici exista si empirism, traditii si sfaturi 'babesti' dar si multa
cercetare stiintifica, de regula chiar foarte secreta !In acest 'bol' de cunoastere, tin sa remarc deschiderea,
aproape genetica a specialistilor de origine slava
[ei 'spun' tot...] spre deosebire de ceilalti [in care exista
si exceptii , ca cel de mai jos ....]Este
greu sa faci performanta reusita ?
Este un mirocol sa obtii 2 medalii
de aur la o singura
editie JO si apoi sa 'clachezi' aproape inremedibil
[ la CES Eindhoven , nu am avut nici o participare...] ?Sportul de performanta are nevoie de meseriasi profesionisti,
total dedicati si nu de politrugi !Inotul
sa faca abstractie de politrugi, sa-i ignore dar sa-i
'infranga' prin
rezultate incontestabile care sa nu poate
i apreciate decat OBIECTIV !
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 11:57 AM
Traducere din Română în Engleză by Google translate
December 1 ....:T. Vladimirescu: "Homeland is not caste people looters ...!" click here"Happy Birthday dear motherland!"====================...... In the sports world two issues looming large, situated at the extreme: the Beginning and the sport's top sports performance.Regarding the 'beginning' is controversy arising from this organization and motivation .... At the other extreme, to the head. Training,
there are great problems but remains a chapter full of mystery and
uncertainty "and support the recovery effort" over-compensate for what
the body wants the top [in this area we had a brilliantly represented,
Prof. Dr. Ioan Dragan, FINA-Medical Com / Dep. Anti-Doping
honored in two rows of this international organization with high
silver and gold, as is customary in athletes ...., God rest him].Here there and empiricism, traditions and advice 'Babesia' but more scientific research, usually very, verry secret!In
this 'bowl' of knowledge, I must mention the opening of Slavic
specialists, almost genetics [they 'say' anything from them learn more
...] unlike the others [where there are exceptions, like the one below ....]It is hard to make successful performance? It
is a miracle to get two gold medals at a single edition of OJ and then
not be able to do so, almost inremedibil [CES Eindhoven, we have not
had any participation ...]?Sport performance needs of professional tradesmen, totally committed and not politrugs!Swimming
to ignore the politrugs, but to ignore her 'defeat' by compelling
results that can not be assessed only object with the timer!
Creatine: the secret behind boosting muscle
"Sports Performance Bulletin"
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Merhaba folks!
There’s absolutely no question that one of the most interesting and complex fields in sports science is that of sports nutrition.
There’s a lot of absolute nonsense spouted by irresponsible people,
particularly on the internet, all with the aim of selling pills. Many of
these pills are about as useful as taking tic tacs and in some cases
they can be harmful. The sports nutrition industry
is enormous and there are plenty of products promising huge gains in
muscle mass and sporting performance without have to lift a weight.
thought therefore that I’d just talk briefly about the two supplements
for which there is the most scientific rationale (outside
carbohydrates and protein). They are creatine and beta-alanine (BA).
Creatine is perhaps the most effective ergogenic (performance enhancing) nutritional supplement
currently available to athletes in terms of their ability to sustain
high-intensity exercise and in improving lean body mass during training.
It is particular relevant to sports such as rugby, rowing and field
athletics and has been shown to increase maximal strength values in
resistance-trained athletes.
have been a couple of proposed reasons for this improvement in
muscular performance. By increasing bodily reserves of creatine,
supplementation is thought to:
creatine monohydrate has been shown to enhance the effects of a
protein-carbohydrate mix. Most studies on creatine have advocated a
‘loading phase’ at the beginning of creatine supplementation. This
comprises of approximately 5g taken 4 times per day for about 1 week
followed by 3-5g/day thereafter. This has been shown to increase muscle
creatine and phosphocreatine stores by anywhere between 10-40% although
further research needs to be conducted to determine if this
supplementation protocol needs to be ‘cycled’ (a process of returning to
a loading phase for 3-5 days every 3-4 weeks and then a washout
Beta-alanine (BA)
has been shown to be effective in increasing intramuscular carnosine
concentrations. Carnosine is an important muscle buffer during high intensity exercise
which may be vital in delaying neuromuscular fatigue and has been
shown to help increase training volumes and lower subjective feelings
of fatigue in American Footballers performing a series of anaerobic performance measures. In English, this means that it ‘neutralises’ the acid build up in muscles (the burning feeling that makes us reduce our exercise intensity).
BA has been shown to produce positive performance effects when
combined with creatine supplementation. Whilst the optimal dosage of BA
is still yet to be determined, positive results from previous research
suggests between 4.5 and 6g per day.
short, the main effect of both creatine and BA is that they enable you
to complete more work, which in turn makes you stronger. But remember,
they won’t make you stronger on their own!
time I thought I’d write about how to build powerful getaway sticks.
If you don’t know what getaway sticks are at the moment, you will this
time next week.
Until then, stay robust, amigos!
Articles and Downloadshttp://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/can-body-fat-loss-and-lean-muscle-gain-be-targeted-with-nutritional-supplements-39323
Maughan and Andrew Hamilton look at emerging evidence for the possible
benefits of two naturally occurring compounds – quercetin and
beta-alanine, both of which are attracting attention from researchers in
the field of sports nutrition.
New research suggests that there’s less evidence for adding protein to carbohydrate than many would have us believe.
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Un comentariu:
- Thanks for one's marvelous posting! I quite enjoyed reading it, you're a great author.
I will make sure to bookmark your blog and will come back at some point.
I want to encourage yourself to continue your great posts, have a nice evening!
Have a look at my weblog - www.DeadliftDynamiteReview.org