Friday, August 31, 2018

" Periodization and its cyclicality " .....

           Periodizarea si ciclicitatea ei 
                                                            (text in romanian and inglish languages)
In diferitele lucrari sau expuneri referitoare la acest subiect Periodizarea este prezentata classic; cei mai pretiosi incep cu Ciclul Olimpic (4 ani) dar exista si posibilitatea de a planifica activitatea cu o periodizare pe stagii …, sa zicem ‘pe-o viata sportiva’ (mai nou, cu explozia de recorduri mondiale la grupa Masters s-ar putea vorbi, theoretic, de o periodizare de lunga durata (100 de ani, glumesc).
Dar, punctual, ne-am obisnuit cu periodizarea anuala, adica a unui an calendaristic sportiv ( ma refer astfel si la situatia, mai putin dorita…,  ca ‘anul calendaristic sportiv’ sa nu aiba exact 12 luni ci doar 9 sau 10, evident…, cazuri izolate).
De multe ori, din varii motive, ceea ce-a fost planificat, s a zicem in luna Sept.  pana in August viitor, poate suferi modificari ( cel mai ades, schimbari de calendar competitional,  imbolnaviri, intreruperi nedorite, fortuite de activitate, probleme de viata, etc.).
Judecand drept, in asemenea situatii…, periodizarea (anuala sau chiar cea de ciclu olimpic) devine un act birocratic…, ‘realitatea’ nu mai corespunde cu documentul anticipat ….
In mod normal, ‘tragedia’ se rezolva repede si in fond chair daca am lua-o de la ‘zero’, alta solutie nu exista.
Pentru ca asemenea situatii chiar exista…, DAR si pentru a ‘simula’ o pregatire ideala, eficienta ( ‘repetarea este mama invatarii’) s-a ajuns la acceptarea unor forme inedite de Periodizare.
Obligati de  calendarul sportiv ( al clubului, al federatiei, etc.) vom avea deci o periodizare legata de sezon ( de iarna, de vara) dar, de multe ori si acestea pot suferi modificari neasteptate.
Asa s-a ajuns,  de la aceste 2 forme de ‘mezo-ciclu’, la clasica ‘Etapa’, forma care la multi antrenori devine un fel de ‘secret de serviciu’.
In fond ‘etapa’ ce inseamna ? Inseamna sigur un numar de 4-6 saptamani care ca intr-un furnal, se ‘coace’ forma sportiva maxima urmarita a fi corespunzatoare OP-urilor (‘obiective de performanta’) stabilite initial.
Asa ca din vorba in vorba la ajuns la ciclul saptamanal { care si el ar putea avea 2 jumatati : (L>Mr./J>Sb.), fiecare jumatate avand un numar de cate 5 lectii+un timp diurn de refacere (12>24 ore)}.
Tot ce este scris pana aici este bine cunoscut de fiecare dintre noi, stim avantajele, dezavantajele dar mai este ceva – CREATIVITATEA.
Exista antrenori care nu folosesc acest sablon si deci ei stiu si cred in periodizarea lor. Dar, in bazin, secretele nu rezista mult si astfel se afla despre ce ‘inovatie’ este vorba, poate ca unii o copiaza, altii o ignora.
Asemenea situatii  am intalnit la regretatii Gicu Dimeca si, mai ales, la Micky Gothe.

Fostii sportivi din Baia Mare, stiau, ’pe dinafara’…, ce aveau de inotat, la fiecare antrenament si mai ales la acel ‘1500’ de Vineri. Adevarul este ca baimarenii erau bine pregatiti la capitolul ‘rezistenta’; tot ce li se dadea-I sa inoate, la antrenament, la concurs, ei erau capabili s-o faca cu rezultatele asteptate.
Gicu Dimeca, era in stare, ca dupa terminarea unui antrenament greu, la care unul dintre elevii sai nu reusea sa se incadreze asa cum ‘dicta bossul’…., ziceam, era in stare sa mai stea 2 ore iar elevul trebuia sa execute programul asa cum era planificat, altfel decizia era stiuta (pedepse  gradate de la o indemnizatietaiata  la neparticipare la un concurs international, etc.). Cu Dimeca era chiar foarte greu de lucrat… dar , rezultatele erau intodeauna pe masura sacrificiilor acelor minunati elevi ai sai.El ar trebui sa fie modelul multora dintre noi ….
Lui Michy Gothe ii revine cinstea de a fi formulat periodizarea {“2,3,4,1”}; in anii ’80, nici nu trebuia sa fie considerat ‘un secret’… celebra ‘cortina de fier’ tinea la secret asemenea ‘gaselnite’….
Dece spun asta, deoarece, acest gen de periodizare, facea act de un principiu arhicunosct in sport, mai ales la canotaj (Victor Mociani, Coca Florescu)…, ei il numeau  ‘batatorirea’ cailor de pregatire.
Si iata ca in literature ccidental, a aparut de curand schema grafica care reda exact periodizare lui Gothe, iat-o:

Ce trebuie de remarcat:
-        exista  un ciclu de 4 saptamani, organizate dupa principiul cresterii incarcaturilor de pregatire (“2,3,4,1”)…,
-        el se repeat de 6 ori (poate fi adoptata o repetare mai mica dar nu recomand una mai mare de aceste 6 saptamani),
-        in care de fiecare data incarcatura creste…, pana in preajma competitiei de obiectiv, ultimul ciclu este in scadere si permite, firesc, ca in mod biologic organismul sa se incarce cu energii care inainte erau consumate la fiecare antrenament.
Acest mod de pregatire a adus natatiei noastre primul record mondial de inot; in 1986, la CM Madrid, Tamara Costache a inotat 50 m liber in 25.38”(in 1978, aflati in tabara de pregatire organizata de Min.Invatamantului la Neptun…, M.Gothe mi-a atras atentia ‘uita-te bine, fata asta, va realiza un record mondial cum nimeni cu se asteapta”, ani de munca au trecut si promisiunea a fost indeplinita).

La acest capitol se merita sa evocam periodizarea folosita de rusi (rusii sunt foarte deschisi la ceea ce fac, scriu, povestesc tot ce fac si acest fapt trebuie retinut…).
In 1983, antrenor federal fiind, am fost ‘pedepsit’ de mai marele meu…,  sa fac o deplasare la rusi, cu o echipa de brasisti (antr. Puiu Mitrofan), la ‘Baza olimpica de pregatire  la altitudine’/ 2000m,  de la Tzahkadzor, Armenia. Cum-necum…, m-am imprietenit, cu antrenorul cel mai titrat al lor, antrenorul proaspatului recordmen mondial la 1500m: Vladimir Salnikov,  cu un timp sensational - sub 15 minute (deci cu media de sub 60“/100m),  iar numele antrenorului, foarte inspirat -  Igor Koshkin (in rusa – ‘koska= pisica’)/foto:

Doi ‘inotatori’ celebri: Volodea, care a inotat de 15 ori sub 60’/100m=1500m liber (Johnny Weismmuller a deschis seria acestui ‘ record psihologic’ in 1922, la Alameda/USA cand a inotat pentru prima data in istoria inotului 100 m liber in 58,60) si Igor, antrenorul sau, care in grupa pe care o pregatea erau si alti viitori campioni….

FINA a acceptat, in compensatie cu dispozitivul de start de sus, proiectul presedintelui Comitetului Tehnic al FINA, Vladimir Salnikov, ca si la intrecerile de inot Spate sa fie folosit acest dispozitiv….

Foto recente, de la Glaskow, Salnikov si antrenorul principal al echipei ruse
Formula de periodizare folosita de Koshkin, era in stricta legatura cu ‘antrenamentul la altitudine’.
Aceasta forma de pregatire a aparut dupa JO Mexico-City, 1968…, cand din cauza altitudinii ridicate la care este situata capitala Mexicului (2240m), la multi sportivi, mai ales la probele de rezistenta, cele cu consum mare de oxygen…, rezultatele au fost nesatisfacatoare (cel mai elocvent exemplu este al celebrului Mark Spitz, creditat cu viitoare performante de top… dar care a clacat, tocmai din cauza ozigenului diminuat din aerul respirat).

De atunci regretatul dr. Ioan Dragan, membru al FINA Medical Committee (el a fost gratulat de FINA in doua randuri, prima data cu Colanul de argint si ulterior cu cel de aur, fiind alaturi de prof. C.Marculescu unul dintre romanii care au facut cinste tarii lor…), a comunicat importanta reactiilor in efortul la altitudine si astfel au aparut in diverse colturi a lumii baze de pregatire speciale la peste 2000m (celebra Colorado Spring, USA,  este la 2400m).

Prof. Cornel Marculescu, Dir. Executiv al FINA.

Era normal ca si sovieticii sa aiba baza lor proprie, in Armenia, unde relieful, clima permitea o asemenea preagtire (chiar si in timpul iernii, rusii se antrenau in bazin deschis si asta cred ca facea parte dintr-o strategie, a lor, bine stiuta de multi…).

Formula lui Koshkin poate fi rezumata astfel:{”de 4 x 10’’}. Adica – cu cca. 40 de zile inaintea concursului de top, de la pregatirea obisnuita se trecea la o perioada de 10 zile de antrenament ‘pe crapate’, la nivelul marii sau la altitudinea obisnuita fiecarui sportiv; sportivul incepea acest travalui istovitor(1) dupa care urma alte 10 zile de pregatire la altitudine(2), de data asta, antrenamentul era de crutzare, sa-i dam calificativul ‘mediu’ de acomodare la noile conditii date de altitudine, in a 3-a perioada, urmau alte 10 zile de pregatire la altitudine cu eforturi mari, pline de uzura si consum mare de oxygen(3); odata incheiate cele 30 de zile de cantonament se intra in a 4-a perioada de 10 zile in care 3-5 zile se petreceau la altitudine cu verificari inainte de concurs, iar ultimile  zile de cobora, sau se deplasa sportivii la nivelul marii sau al orasului stiut la care altitudinea era evident mai mica…
Ei bine…, Koshkin a repetat acest {“4x10”} de nenumarate ori si a ‘batatorit’ caile de antrenament, stia bine ‘lectia’… astfel el a putut constata ca in primele 48 de ore de la coborare de la altitudine apare primul val de ‘supracompensare’ care daca era corelat cu proba urmarita aducea satisfactia dorita…, apoi unda supracompensatiei revenea dupa alte 5 zile (adica un total de 7 zile de la coborarea la ses).
Koshkin a fost foarte interesat de realizarea unui cantonament la noi, la Sinaia, la hotel Montana (care are o piscina de 25m)…., dorea foarte mult un loc linistit, fara ‘paparazi’ si departe de stresul dat de celebritate. Am transmis aceasta intentie celor din conducerea CNEFS-ului…. Dar raspunsul a fost unul politic si astfel am ratat ocazia de a vedea pe viu activitatea acestor sportivi de mare valoare.
Mai adaug, cu titlu de ‘amintire’: in acea perioada am pledat mult sa facem, si noi, un bazin la Paring (1750m); am dat si o solutie ‘trasnet’ – sa aducem cu helicopterul cateva carcase de vagon pe care, bine amenajate se puteau umple cu apa si asa am fi avut cateva ‘culoare’ la altitudine. N-a fost sa fie…., nu era din partea unuia ca ‘ei’ (membri cu state in PCR). In schimb…, ‘altii’ au putut imagina asa

In incheiere:
Periodizarea explica maniera de lucru a unui antrenor, ea poate fi haotica sau nesigura in masura in care ‘instrumentele’ de lucru nu sunt bine cunoscute. Acest lucru trebuie facut cu buna stiinta, cu instrumente simple dar si cu ajutorul celor competenti (staful unui club, al federatiei, medici, psihologi, dieteticieni, etc.).
Periodizam ce? Asa cum se spune intre soferi…, ”drumul cel mai scurt este drumul cel mai bine cunoscut”, deci aplicati o formula simpla, repetabila si usor comensurabila…., success.


‘History of Swimming’, Openheim, France, ‘SchwimTrainig im Verein’, H.Pfeifer, Deutscland,  ‘Swimming’, Newel,Cross,Cowcher, Bernabei, Holande,  ‘Swim Smooth’, Newsome, Young, Picturs collection from RACE PACE KLUB, Belgrade, Colectia Manual ‘INOT’, M.Olaru, Romania.


Periodization and its cyclicality ( by Google translate)

In the various works or exposures related to this subject Periodicity is presented in classic; the most precious begin with the Olympic Cycle (4 years), but there is also the possibility to plan the activity with a periodic training on internships, say 'on a sporting life' (more recently with the explosion of world records in the Masters group would could speak, theoretically, of a long-term periodization (100 years, joking).

But we have become accustomed to the annual periodization, that is to say a sportive calendar year (I refer also to the less-desired situation ... that the 'sports calendar year' does not have exactly 12 months but only 9 or 10, obviously ..., isolated cases).

Often, for various reasons, what was planned, let's say in September. until next August, may experience changes (most notably, changes in the competition calendar, illness, undesirable interruptions, forcible activity, life problems, etc.).

Judging right, in such situations ..., periodization (the annual or even the Olympic cycle) becomes a bureaucratic act ..., 'reality' no longer corresponds to the anticipated document ....

Normally, 'tragedy' resolves quickly and basically the chair if we take it from zero, another solution does not exist.

Because such situations really exist ..., but to "simulate" an ideal preparation, efficiency ('repetition is the mother of learning') has come to the acceptance of some novel forms of Periodization.

Due to the sports calendar (of the club, of the federation, etc.) we will have seasonal (winter, summer) seasonation, but often they may suffer unexpected changes.
That is how, from these two forms of 'meso-cycle', to the classic 'Stage', the form that many coaches become a kind of 'secret of service'.

In fact what 'stage' does it mean? It definitely means a 4-6 week period that, as in a blast, it bakes the maximum sporting form to be consistent with the OPs ('performance targets') originally set.

Thus, the word came to the weekly cycle (which he could have two halves: (L> Mr./J> Sb.), Each half having a number of 5 lessons + a daily restoration time > 24 hours)}.

Everything written here is well known to each of us, we know the advantages, the disadvantages but there is something else - CREATIVITY.

There are coaches who do not use this template and so they know and believe in their periodization. But in the pool, secrets do not last long, so it's about what 'innovation' is all about, maybe some copy it, others ignore it.

Such situations I encountered in Gicu Dimeca's(+) regrets and especially in Micky Gothe (+).

Former athletes from Baia Mare knew, 'out of the way' ... what they had to swim at every training and especially at that '1500' on Friday. The truth is that the Baimarans were well prepared for the 'resistance' chapter; everything that was given to him was swimming, at training, at the contest, they were able to do so with the expected results.

Gicu Dimeca was in the position that after finishing a hard workout, one of his students could not fit the way the boss dictated ... I was saying he could stay for 2 hours and the student had to run the program as planned, otherwise the decision was known (graded punishments from an indemnified party to non-participation in an international competition, etc.). 

With Dimeca it was really hard to work ... but the results were always the sacrifices of those wonderful pupils. It should be the model of many of us ....

Concept of Michy Gothe's, has the honor of formulating periodization {"2,3,4,1"}; in the '80s, it was not supposed to be a' secret '... the famous' iron curtain' kept secret like 'methodichal inovation' ....

I say this because, this kind of periodization, was an act of a well-known principle in sport, especially at canoeing ('emerits' Victor Mociani, Coca Florescu) ... they called it the 'training' of the horses.

And here in the literary literature, the graphical scheme that gave Gothe's exact periodical was recently published:

What should be noted:

- there is a 4-week cycle, organized according to the principle of increasing the load of training ("2,3,4,1") ...,
- it is repeated 6 times (a smaller repeat may be adopted but I do not recommend one longer than these 6 weeks),
- in which each load increases ... until around the goal competition, the last cycle is decreasing and it naturally allows the body to load with energies that were consumed before each training.

This way of preparation has brought our swimming pool to the world's first swimming record; in 1986 at CM Madrid, Tamara Costache swam 50 m freely in 25.38 "(in 1978, in the training camp organized by Min.International Education at Neptun ..., M.Gothe drew my attention 'look good, girl this will make a world record as no one expects, "years of work have passed and the promise has been met.)

Recent picture of Tamara Costache, trainer in
Swim club Vega-Ploiesti, Romania

This chapter is it is worth evoking the periodization used by the Russians (the Russians are very open to what they are doing, write, telling everything they do, and this fact must be remembered ...). I

n 1983, as a federal coach, I was 'punished' by my 'greatest '... I'm taking a trip to the Russians with a brassist team (coach Puiu Mitrofan...) at the 'Olympic altitude training ground' / 2000m, from Tzahkadzor, Armenia. As a little bit ... I became friends with my highest titled coach, coach of the world record recordman at 1500m: Vladimir Salnikov, with a sensational time - less than 15 minutes (so below the average of 60 "/ 100m) coach, very inspired - Igor Koshkin (in Russian - 'koska = cat)' /

photoa: Famous swimmers: Volodea who swam 15 times under 60 '/ 100m = 1500m freestil (Johnny Weismmuller opened this' psychological record 'in 1922, at Alameda / USA when he swam for the first time in swimming history 100 m freely in 58,60/ he was born in Timishoara, Romania…) and Igor, his coach, who in the group he was preparing were other future champions ....
Johnny Weissmuller

FINA has accepted, as 'compensation' with the top start device, the draft of the FINA Technical Committee chairman, as well as at the back riding competitions to use this device ....
Recent photos, from Glaskow, Salnikov, and the coach of the Russian team.

The Koshkin's periodical exercise was closely related to 'altitude training'. 

This form of training emerged after the Mexico-City JO, 1968 ... when, due to the high altitude of the capital of Mexico (2240m), many athletes, especially the resistance tests, those with high oxygen consumption ..., the results (the most eloquent example of the famous Mark Spitz, credited with the top performances of the top ... but which shrieked, precisely because of the diminished oxigen in the breathing air).

Since then, the late Dr. Ioan Dragan, a member of the FINA Medical Committee (he was congratulated by FINA in two rows, first with the Silver Column and later with the golden one, and with Prof. C.Marculescu one of the Romanians who honored their country ...), he communicated the importance of the reactions in the effort to altitude and so in different corners of the world special training bases at over 2000m (famous Colorado Spring, USA, is at 2400m).

Prof. Cornel Marculescu, Dir. FINA Executive.

It was normal for the Soviets to have their own base in Armenia, where the climate, the climate allowed such a prelude (even in winter, the Russians trained in the open pool and that I think was part of a strategy, of them, well-known by many ...).

Koshkin's form can be summed up as follows: {"4 x 10"}. I mean - with approx. 40 days before the top competition, from the usual training, 

it took 10 days of "cracked" training, at the sea level or at the usual altitude of each athlete; the athlete began this grueling journey (1), 

followed by another 10 days of training at altitude (2), this time the training was sharpening, to give him the "average" qualification to adapt to the new altitude conditions, 

to 3rd period, followed by 10 days of high altitude training with great efforts, full of wear and high oxygen consumption (3); 

Once the 30 days of training have been completed, the 4th 10-day period during which 3-5 days were held at altitudes with pre-contest checks and the last days to descend, or to move athletes at sea level the famous city where the altitude was obviously lower ... Well ...,

Koshkin repeated this ("4x10") many times and "worked" the training paths, he knew the 'lesson' well ... so he could see that in the first 48 the first wave of "overcompensation," which if correlated with the sample, brought the desired satisfaction ... hours, then the wave of overcompensation returned after another 5 days (that is, a total of 7 days after the descent). 

He was very interested in setting up a training camp in Sinaia/Romania (1100m) at the Montana Hotel (which has a 25m swimming pool) .... he wanted a quiet place without paparazzi and away from the stress of the celebrity. We have sent this intention to the CNEFS leadership .... But the answer was a wrong-political one and so I missed the opportunity to see the work of these high-value athletes alive.

I add, as a 'memory': At that time we pleaded for a lot to do, and we, a pool at Paring (1750m); we also gave a 'blitz' solution - to bring with by the helicopter some carriages of a wagon which, empty, well arranged, could be filled with water and so we would have had some very chips 'pool lanes' at  hy-altitude. It was not to be ..., it was not on the part of one as 'them' (members with states in the Romain Comunist Party.....).

Instead ... 'others' could imagine it at the end:

Periodization explains the work of a coach, it can be chaotic or insecure to the extent that 'working tools' are not well known. 

This must be done with the help of simple tools but also with the help of the competent ones (club staff, federation, doctors, psychologists, dieticians, etc.).

As it is said between auto-drivers ... "the shortest way is the best known way", so apply a simple, repeatable and easily commensurable formula ..., success.

‘History of Swimming’, Openheim, France, 
‘SchwimTrainig im Verein’, H.Pfeifer, Deutscland,  
‘Swimming’, Newel,Cross,Cowcher, Bernabei, Holande,  
‘Swim Smooth’, Newsome, Young, UK,
Picturs collection from RACE PACE KLUB, Belgrade, 
Colectia Manual ‘INOT’, M.Olaru, Romania.

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