Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Antrenamentul copiilor ...

" În ceea ce privește pegatirea fizica pe uscat pentru formarea unui nivel ridicat al formarii rezistenta , parintii si antrenori ar trebui să țină mereu în vedere faptul că copiii nu sunt adulți în miniatură ", a declarat Martin Reuters Health .
Guidance is key for kids' resistance training: experts
·         Health »
By Kathryn Doyle
NEW YORK | Thu Oct 3, 2013 1:03pm EDT
(Reuters Health) - Resistance training is good for kids, but needs to be supervised and tailored for them by a qualified professional, according to a consensus statement by 20 doctors and fitness experts.
The statement appears in the British Journal of Sports Medicine and is endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the International Federation of Sports Medicine and the U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
Resistance training - which can include light free weights, resistance bands or medicine balls, as well as push-ups and other body-weight-bearing exercises - can benefit young bodies and prepare them for active lives, the authors point out.
"You can look at the data from the Centers for Disease Control, kids are becoming less and less fit all the time," said Dr. Tim Hewett, director of the Sports Medicine Biodynamics Center at the University of Cincinnati, who was not involved in the statement. "There are lots of problems related to our current lifestyles."
Lack of strength and overall fitness, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal strength all contribute to poor health for kids, and resistance training can be a great option to help, but moderation is key, he told Reuters Health.
Though many parents fear their children will be injured during exercise or will damage their growing skeletons, childhood is actually the best time to use weight-bearing activity to build bone mass and kids are less likely to suffer sprains than adults, according to the statement.
Programs designed to promote conditioning and correct form for specific sports can also reduce the risk of injuries by 50 percent in kids and teens, the authors write.
"Clearly, participation in physical activity should not begin with competitive sport but should evolve out of preparatory fitness conditioning that is sensibly progressed over time," they write.
But these activities need to be supervised by "qualified professionals," like trainers or coaches, with strength and conditioning certifications.
These leaders need to know how to effectively communicate with kids and teens, as well as what exercises are best for kids and teens, and "how much is too much."
Position statements in support of resistance training like this one make it easier to inform parents and coaches who may still be hesitant, said Jeff Martin, who co-founded CrossFit Kids, a branch of the popular and sometimes controversial training program geared to kids from preschool age and up.
"With respect to resistance training, parents and coaches should always keep in mind that children are not simply miniature adults," Martin told Reuters Health.
Children, especially the youngest ones, benefit most from doing many reps of little or no weight, he said.
Hewett, a former power lifter, agreed with that premise, but expressed concern that CrossFit in particular may be too intense for kids.
"We have to get our kids more active but we can't overdo it," he said.
Kids need to have fun to be engaged, and can vary widely in their ability to pay attention and focus during sets of many reps of the same movement. When they drop weights, he said, they could injure themselves.
Martin recommends that preschool kids never use weights, and should focus instead on fundamental movements like squats.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that eight year olds can start using light weights, but children mature at vastly different rates, Martin says, and some five year olds in his program start using very light objects or dumbbells.
"The key points are moderation, supervision and qualified professionals," Hewett said.
He and Martin agree that "qualified professionals" need more than just certifications, they need experience working with kids so they can assess a child's developmental and emotional maturity, since that can often be an important factor in how much is too much for each child.
"Parents should watch their children's trainers and see how the children react to them. Do they relate well and vice versa?" said Martin. "All the qualifications in the world will not help someone who cannot speak the language of the children or teens in their care."
SOURCE: British Journal of Sports Medicine, online September 20, 2013.
Copii sunt vulnerabili la capitolul concentrare...; foarte multi antrenori folosesc antrenamente lungi, cu exercitii de anduranta , monotone, pentru ca copilul sa obtina un nivel bun, ridicat de rezistenta; acest lucru este nefiresc pentru varsta mica iar lipsa concentrarii duce la instalarea unor stereotipuri gresite de miscare, de tehnica, greu de remediat dupa ce s-au instalat......

Eu am gasit o alta maniera de a le creste rezistenta dar prin scurte sprinturi [de regula facute pe latimea bazinului] cu varietate mare de exercitii de tehnica [brate, picioare]. selectate defalcat din coordonarea globala a celor 4 procedee oficiale de concurs.

Metoda se recomanda a fi folosita cu grupe mari de copii care lucreaza CONCOMITENT, in grup, iar antrenorul poate sa intervina INDIVIDUALIZAT asupra unor executii gresite dar care nu s-au instalat inca ca greseli adevarate. Usurinta de incadrare in acest regim face ca toti incepatorii sa fie foarte incantati si astfel nivelul de receptivitate, de concentrare este optim, adica cel dorit de noi....

Teoretic, specialistii au numit aceasta noua maniera 'metoda concomitenta' care are drept obiectiv trecerea rapida de la starea de incepator la starea de inotator avansat care sa poata participa la concursuri cu probe adecvate varstei lor [ de regula dupa 11 ani, asta inseaman ca incepatori aveau o medie de 10 ani].  

Children are vulnerable in terms of concentration ... ; very many coaches use long training with endurance exercise , monotonous , for the child to obtain a solid , high resistance , it is unnatural to young age and lack of concentration leads to installation erroneous stereotypes of movement, technique , hard to remove after they have installed ...... 

I have found another way to increase their strength but the short sprints [ usually made on the pool width ] with variety of technical exercises [ arms, legs, elementary combinations ] . Selected deducted from the global coordination of the 4 official stroks of competition. 

The method is recommended for use with large groups of children working in group CONCOMITANT + and coach may intervene on some wrong executions INDIVIDUALISED until they have not yet installed the real mistakes . The ease of nesting in this scheme is that all beginers will be very hapy, wel excited and thus the level of receptivity , concentration is optimal , ie, the desired new .... 

Theoretically, experts have called this new way ' Simultaneous method ' which aims to pass easily from state to state swimmer advanced beginner who can contest with appropriate evidence of their age [ usually after 11 years , that means you beginners had an average of 10 years] . 

Have a nice day 

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