Sunday, September 15, 2013

Professional Swim Coach

Professional Swim Coach

Mircea Olaru Follow text can be good for you:
" I'm trying to get used to me my students to swim thinking in this way: "to make the highest speed .. with as few moves" repeating this urge, they gradually improve their technical efficiency of movement and so swimming can become even an 'art'. It is a job that resembles that which makes the farmer you put seed in the ground and caring culture for a long time ... after appearing fruits ..... For this I created a mathematical formula [the Biomechanical Swimming Efficiency Test / 'BEST '] is much writing to explain, but it's easy to understand and equally easy to apply ... Who wants to know, can contact me at
Mircea, swim-old-coach from Romania, Bucharest - have a nice day ....

[romanian]Eu incerc sa-mi obisnuiesc elevii mei sa inoate gandind in acest fel:"sa faca cea mai mare viteza.., cu cat mai putine miscari"; repetand acest indemn, treptat ei isi vor imbunatati eficienta tehnica de miscare si astfel inotul poate deveni chiar si o 'arta'. Este o treaba care seamana cu ceeace face fermierul cand pune samanta in pamant si ingrijeste cultura timp indelungat..., dupa care apar roadele .....Pentru asta eu am conceput si o formula matematica[the Biomechanical Efficiency Swimming Test / 'BEST']; este mult de scris, de explicat dar e usor de inteles si, la fel, usor de aplicat... Cine vrea s-o cunoasca, ma poate contacta la "
Mircea, swim-old-coach from Romania, Bucharest - have a nice day ....

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