(EN) > Synkro free
Synkro free
Abstract: When we swim free style, we row with each
arm alternating and circularly (obviously each arm rows trying to 'catch' the water
as well as possible, then, moving on, trying to complete the circular motion in
the air, with a forward move of the arm in a relaxed state, with the muscles
'rested' before starting a new rowing move).
The 'geometry' of the correct arm movement in Crawl
stroke involves the success of two important requirements:
1. Alternating the arms should be continuously well
synchronized (guide mark for this: when an arm is stretched forward and starts
rowing, the other arm reaches the backwards position and finishes rowing “with
a whip”...).
2. Performing of each rowing in a circular way, so
that it undergoes a parallel or even overlapped route with the long (imaginary)
axis of the body which advances.
Synkro Free is a device that allows, on land, both
correcting and perfecting the need to row in sync (1) and the one of rowing
aligned to the advancing direction (2)
Synkro Free device is designed especially for
beginners to learn how to move correctly their arms in Crawl style, because
these newbies come to the pool with a poor motility experience (we know that in
some schools sports lessons are as good as nonexistent.)
Working with the arms correctly requires that the
person using the device should make circular movements, alternatively
well-symmetric having ALWAYS the string very well stretched and its spin on the
bobbin should ALWAYS occur on its center (this meaning that the direction of
the rowing should always be on the long axis of the advancement when the
swimmer reaches the water).
The device resembles a large bobbin; it is made,
unpretentiously, especially cheap, from 2 empty flowerpots, made of plastic;
they are arranged on a shaft which in turn is anchored by a tripod that can be
hung in any convenient place + has a rope that acts as a result of alternative
arms movements.
It is important for the performer to adopt the correct
working position {bent forward, having feet placed symmetrically, parallel /
see photo} ..., meaning he should adjust the length of the string perfectly
taut, with one arm stretched forward {the final position in the movement of
carrying the arm through the air, forward} and the other backwards, but
perfectly stretched {final moment of 'whipping' in any rowing}.
Circular, alternated movements in Crawl must be
imitated so that the rope should always be taut during alternating moves {when
it is not, it means the circular synchronization in rowing is unsuccessful and
the rope seems to fly in all directions}.
Stretching the rope is done at the beginning of the
exercise, placing feet so that the rope is stretched well forward / back ...
and during work, the effect of stretching should be performed by the arm which
rows in the “water”, the rope ensuring bringing the other arm in the air,
Another guide mark of correct circular movements can
be noticed at the longitudinal plane of the rowing; it will be placed exactly
on the direction of the (imaginary) long axis of the advancing body, IF the
rope gets folded on the bobbin on its central part; if the rope tends to exit
the bobbin on its lateral, this means the rowing is incorrect, on the direction
of the advancing body. (see graphics)
Correct series are made when alternative circular
rowing also involves shoulders, shoulder girdle (see what shoulder mobility is
good for...) and each bringing of an arm forward is accomplished by raising the
elbow (1), then the shoulder (2), which draws, at the moment of passing the
palm through the lateral plane of the shoulders, a triangle (ideally, an
equilateral one: arm > forearm > free space between shoulder and palm), a
triangle which will open up when the arm reaches a perfectly stretched forward
position. (see graphic)
The rope should be kept loose, during the whole
movement, between fingers, to allow palms to keep the correct rowing position
{those handles taken from some extensors are not recommended}.
The series of repetitions of these circular alternated
movements represents an effort, an exercise that can be inserted in the
warming-up, gymnastics part of some lessons.
(RO) Synkro free
Abstract: atunci cand inotam in Free-stille, suntem obsinuiti sa vaslim
cu fiecare brat – alternativ si circular (evident fiecare brat vasleste incercand
sa ‘prinda’ cat mai bine apa, apoi, incercand sa intregeasca miscarea circulara
prin aer, cu o miscare cat mai relaxata, cu musculatura ‘odihnita’ pentru a reincepe o noua vaslire).
'Geometria’ miscarii corecte de
brate Craul presupune reusita a doua cerinte importante:
1. Alternarea sa fie sincronizata permanent (reper: cand un brat este
inainte si incepe vaslirea, celalalt este inapoi si termina ‘biciuit’ vaslirea...).
2. Realizarea circulara a fiecarei vasliri sa parcurga un drum paralel
sau chiar suprapus cu axul lung
(imaginar) al corpului care inainteaza.
Aparatul Synkro Free este un dispozitiv care permite pe uscat,
atat corectarea, perfectionarea cerintei de a vasli sincronizat(1) si a celei
de a vasliri aliniat la directia de inaintare(2)
‘SYNKRO FREE” este destinat incepatorilor pentru a invata ,corect, miscarile
bratelor in procedeul Crawl, deoarece acesti
incepatori vin la bazin cu un bagaj motric precar (se stie ca in unele
scoli lectiile de EFS sunt ca si inexistente...).
Lucru corect
cu bratele presupune ca cel care foloseste aparatul sa faca miscari ciculare,
alternativ-simetrice avand MEREU sfoara bine intinsa iar invartirea ei pe mosor
sa fie MEREU pe centrul lui (asta insemnand ca directia vaslirilor este mereu
pe axul lung de inaintare atunci cand inotatorul ajunge in apa.
seamana cu un Mosor mare; este alcatuit, fara pretentii, mai ales ieftin, din 2
ghivece de flori goale, din material plastic ; ele sunt dispuse pe un ax care
la randu-i este ancorat de un trepied care poate fi agatat in orice loc
convenabil + are o sfoara care il actioneaza rezultat al miscarilor alternative
de brate.
este ca executantul sa adopte pozitia corecta de lucru { inainte indoit, avand
talpile asezate simetric, paralel/ vezi foto}..., adica sa regleze lungimea
perfect intinsa a sforii avand un brat inainte { momentul final al ducerii
inainte} iar celalalt spre inapoi, dar perfect intins {momentul final la
’biciuirii’ oricarei vasliri}.
circulare, alternative de Craul trebuie sa fie reproduse astfel incat sfoara sa
fie permanent bine intinsa in timpul miscarilor alternative{atunci cand nu este
asa, inseamana ca sincronizarea circulara a vaslirilor nu este reusita iar
sfoara ‚zboara, parca, in toate directiile}.
Intinderea sforii
se face fie din inceputul exercitiului asezand talpile astfel incat sfoara sa
fie intinsa bine inainte/inapoi... iar in timpul lucrului efectul de intindere
sa fie dat de bratul care vasleste ’apa’, sfoara asigurand aducerea celuilat
brat spre inainte prin aer.
Un alt reper
al miscarilor corecte de vaslire circulara este urmarit la planul longitudinal
al vaslirii; el va fi exact pe directia axului lung (imaginar) al corpului ce
inainteaza DACA sfoara se infasoara pe mosor in parte sa centrala; daca sfoara
tinde sa iasa lateral de pe mosor inseamna ca vaslirea nu este corecta, pe
directia de inaintare a corpului. (grafica)
Seriile de vasliri corecte sunt realizate atunci cand vaslirile
alternative, circulare, angajeaza si umerii, centura scapulara (vezi la ce este
necesara mobilitatea umerilor...) iar fiecare ducere a unui brat spre inainte
este realizata prin ridicare cotului(1), apoi a umarului(2), ceea ce reproduce,
la momentul trecerii in planul lateral al umerilor, un triunghi (de dorit echilateral:
brat>antebrat> spatiul liber intre umar si palma), triunghi care se va desface
pana cand bratul ajunge perfect intins inainte.(grafica)
Sfoara trebuie tinuta lejer, tot timpul miscarii, intre
degete pentru a permite palmelor sa pastreze pozitia corecta de vaslire {nu
sunt recomandate acele manere provenite de la unele extensoare}.
Suita de repetari a acestor miscari circulare,
alternartive reprezinta si un efort, un exercitiu care poate fi introdus in
partea de incalzire, de gimnastica a unor lectii.
