Thursday, April 17, 2014

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I thought you would be interested in this:
Controlul lactacidemiei in efort....
·  Mircea Olaru a distribuit starea postată de Swimovate Pool-Mate.
retro:Radu Balaban
To Me
Jun 22, 2010
Ce-a raspuns Lisa:

- multumim de sugestii, sunt foart bune
- problema cu numaratoare la bras e interesanta, nu s-a mai raportat; pot sa-ti trimit un ceas special, care inregistreaza totul, si sa mi-l trimiti inapoi sa studiem ce se intampla
- formula lui dl. olaru e mai avansata, iar ceasul are o putere de procesare prea mica
- dar calculul BEST poate fi facut din software, nu din ceas; putem sa recomandam, cu acordul vostru, formula BEST la unii dezvoltatori soft care lucreaza cu ceasul nostru deja in programele lor
- transmite lui dl. olaru salutari din partea lui nick

Thanks for your email, the feedback is great. You can check the stroke count after the watch is stopped by pressing the top right button twice. This shows the stroke count for the last session- a bit easier than scrolling through the logs.

The breaststroke issue is interesting, we haven't had any like this before. What I can do is to send you a special recording watch. You can swim with it then return it to me so we can download the data back in the lab and see exactly where it is missing strokes. If this is ok let me know, we wish to improve the accuracy.

We appreciate that Mr Olaru is far more experienced in the world of swimming than we are and his formula is obviously far more of an accuarte swimming efficiency indicator than our simple efficiency index. We have limited processing power in the watch so cannot add other parameters into the calculations in the present model. However we are bringing out the downloadable version later in the year.

Although we cannot add further parameters into the watch itself we will be making the data format opensource and encouraging software developers to use the data from the watch and develop further applications with it. What would be very simple to do is to perform the BEST calculations in software on the PC. I am not sure it would fit into our standard package as we are keeping it very simple so people can upgrade to different third party applications is they wish.There are already 3 people writing separate additional applications for the watch and we know more that will do as well. I don't know if Mr Olaru has any contacts in the software industry but we would be happy to suggest that one or other of the software developers look at including the BEST figures into their application.

Please let me know if you wish for us to tell these developers about it, in particular we have a very good relationship with David Cartwright of swim-log ( who already has Pool-Mate support in his software.

Please tell Mr Olaru that Nick Gillingham (Olympic swimmer) was asking after him and wished him well.

Best wishes
Lisa Irlam
We have built in a Heart rate zones test into our software! If you have a PoolMateHR you can do our 6 minute swim test and work out your individual swim heart rate training zones, no need to rely on inaccurate formula any more!

Mircea Olaru Automatically calculate your real swim heart rate zones
Heart rates when swimming are usually significantly less than when undertaking other sports on dry
land. You may have noticed you feel to be working really hard in the pool but if you measure your heart
rate it is much lower than you expect if you are used to monitoring your heart rate when running for
This is thought to be a result of several factors, first, the body is in a horizontal position so your heart
does not have to work as hard to pump blood around the body against the effects of gravity. Second,
the cooling effect of the water reduces body temperature and decreases stress on the circulation.
Thirdly, the dive reflex is known to lower heart rate and blood pressure which is a neurological response
to immersion in water.
Traditional ways to calculate maximum heart rates and the 5 heart rate zones are always estimates and
may be more inaccurate for swimmers because of the reasons already explained. Formula such as max
heart rate = 220 minus your age has been found to have a relatively large error rate. There are other
formulae which are finer tuned and adjusted for sex but a far more accurate way to work out your
specific heart rate zones is by specific testing.
The latest version of the PoolMate software incorporates a simple swimming 6 minute test which will
calculate your maximum swim heart rate and your 5 swimming heart rate zones automatically and
specifically for you.
Simple Swimming™ Zones with the PoolMateHR
Equipment- a PoolMateHR heart rate monitor set to vibrate at 1 minute time intervals
v2.13.0.3 of the PoolMatePro software available from
The test score factors how good you are at keeping a steady heart rate for 5 x 1 minute intervals at
increasing intensity and how quickly you recover. From this we can work out your maximum swim
heart rate (MSHR) and each heart rate training zone you should be using in the pool.
The Test (6 minutes) - Warm up for a few minutes until you are at an RPE of 5 and working
somewhat hard but are still comfortable. Stop swimming and indicate when you are ready to start.
Press the start button on the PoolMateHR, let the watch acquire your heart rate, press start again
Swim 1 minute RPE 5 comfortable 60-70% Max
Swim 1 minute RPE 6 more challenging 70-80% Max
Swim 1 minute RPE 7 tough, you’ll need to push yourself 80-85% Max
Swim 1 minute RPE 8 challenging, you are breathing
deep and rapid
85-90% Max
Swim 1 minute RPE 9 uncomfortable, almost your max,
you really want to stop
90-95% Max
Rest for 1 minute stay still and avoid talking and
unnecessary movements
PoolMatePro V2 Software for Pro, Live and HR models Current version is, supports Windows 8.1, has club mode for multiple swimmers, zoom functions, installation help improved.
Mircea Olaru seria POOLMATE este exceptionala pentru a putea evalua si dirija pregatirea de performanta; alaturi de testarea lactacidemiei, trebuie sa faca parte din 'trusa' fiecarui antrenor sau sportiv.... succes

Mircea Olaru din 'antologia' ns.:"vezi ca de aude colegii..."
Mircea Olaru a distribuit starea postată de Swimovate Pool-Mate.
We have built in a Heart rate zones test into our software! If you have a PoolMateHR you can do our 6 minute swim test and work out your individual swim heart rate training zones, no need to rely on inaccurate formula any more!

Mircea Olaru  acum 23 de ore Bob & Mychel
iata 001 PhelpsStrokeCount.wmv
Ce spune Bowman in clipul ds. antrenamentul lui M.Phelps:"Exercitiile de vaslire si timp sunt un mod excelent prin care inotatorul poate sa isi gestioneze lungimea vaslirii, si sa inoate la cel mai inalt nivel de eficienta. Exercitiul nostru pentru delfin presupune inotarea distantei de 50 m si numararea vaslirilor; la sfarsit se compara timpul cu numarul de vasliri - si scopul este de a avea numarul vaslirilor cu 10 mai mic decat timpul in secunde: daca inotatorului inoata distanta in 30 de secunde, numarul de vasliri ar trebui safie 20."Michael Phelps: 18 vasliri, 28.2 secunde
— în Bucharest.
FunSwim Edward Vuculescu Dar poate ca avem nevoie sa puna altii in practica si pe urma sa citim, retinem, aplicam...
Mircea Olaru esti singurul care 'stie' asta...., vai tie.....'muritorule'....
FunSwim Edward Vuculescu Domn profesor, se si aplica in antrenamentele mele. Mai in joaca cu copiii au tema sa ajunga ”dincolo” cu cat mai putine vasliri.
Mircea Olaru pai de asta nu 'merge' bestul asta, ca trebuie aplicat, cu suflet si buna inspiratie; nu e ceva ce poate fi copat si mai faci odata 8x200 ca-i bine... e ceva care trebuie simtit in timpul antrenamentului si intervenit exact cand e cazul...; acum inchid ca am stat prea mult pe FB si ma cearta doctoru'

1 comment:

  1. acest material este cules de pe pagina mea de FB deoarece el este compus din mai multe interventii si fiind asa de separate greu iti poti aduna gandurile pentru a remarca 'firul rosu' al ideii centrale - eficienta unui inotator !
    Remarc inca odata ca 'seria PoolMate si kitul de control al Lactacidemiei, nu trebuie sa lipseasca din 'arsenalul' unui antrenro cu pretentii...
