am postat retro acest material ca sa se inteleaga ca, personal, nu am nimic de impartit cu cineva din inotul nostru; totusi, dupa ce-l cititi poate veti avea o serie de semne de intrebare, asa cum le-am avut si eu atunci...

[ nu stiu sa traduc, sa inteleg cuvantul 'robbed'.... este vb. ds.
doping sau ds. constumele de inot care aduc performante mai bune dar
care nu pot fi tolerate ca mijloace oneste...? Din pacate 'engleza' mea
nu este compatibila cu argou-ul lor....; oricum eu am ales caela
How many times have we heard in sport or life, “I was robbed of that
play “or “that game was stolen?” If we have said it or have been a part
of it, then we know the thoughts and feelings that go along with it.
Well, literally, I was robbed!
my early morning swim at the YMCA, the aquatics director was soon
standing over me letting me know my car was broken into.
Now, my Mac Book, iPad, and video camera were all taken as part of this smash & grab job. BUT my thoughts immediately went to MY BOOK! Having worked on the book for the past year, it was quite a bit of time, effort, and money.
The Victim
I was upset, felt helpless, and even wanted to blame somebody for what happened. I went to all of these places the hours after this took place. But what really surprised me is the “feeling” that stuck inside my gut. I just felt “off.”
Quotes and mantra’s rattle in my head and a quote I have been sharing this past week is “The Variable is YOU.” Since I help athletes, coaches, and teams perform better, I always want to be a product of my product.
The easier part for me about the break-in was getting over it. I could do that!
But, I actually wanted to use this obstacle as an opportunity…I don’t like feeling or acting like a victim. Winners don’t do that.
The only way I could have used this obstacle to improve was to be THANKFUL IT HAPPENED. Could I convince myself that this robbery actually was a blessing? Could I really turn my thoughts into ”why NOT me?” Did having my car broken into actually save me from getting in a car accident later on? Was it a HINGE moment?
How many of us get stuck, unable to get over what happened to us? Yes, it sucks, but don’t stay in the “I was robbed” mentality. Instead, let it go, but more importantly use the experience to mentally get better.
When I was able to make this acceptance a part of my growth as a person, everything changed that day!! Oh yea, we have to practice it on a daily basis. It is easy to be positive when things are going well, but the true test is not where we stand in times of comfort, but during times of struggle.
Dr. Rob Bell works with athletes, coaches, and teams-helping them with
their mental toughness. email at or twitter @drrobbell
What happens when an athlete is "robbed."
“I Was Robbed!”
“I Was Robbed!”
Well, literally, I was robbed!
Now, my Mac Book, iPad, and video camera were all taken as part of this smash & grab job. BUT my thoughts immediately went to MY BOOK! Having worked on the book for the past year, it was quite a bit of time, effort, and money.
The Victim
I was upset, felt helpless, and even wanted to blame somebody for what happened. I went to all of these places the hours after this took place. But what really surprised me is the “feeling” that stuck inside my gut. I just felt “off.”
Quotes and mantra’s rattle in my head and a quote I have been sharing this past week is “The Variable is YOU.” Since I help athletes, coaches, and teams perform better, I always want to be a product of my product.
The easier part for me about the break-in was getting over it. I could do that!
But, I actually wanted to use this obstacle as an opportunity…I don’t like feeling or acting like a victim. Winners don’t do that.
The only way I could have used this obstacle to improve was to be THANKFUL IT HAPPENED. Could I convince myself that this robbery actually was a blessing? Could I really turn my thoughts into ”why NOT me?” Did having my car broken into actually save me from getting in a car accident later on? Was it a HINGE moment?
How many of us get stuck, unable to get over what happened to us? Yes, it sucks, but don’t stay in the “I was robbed” mentality. Instead, let it go, but more importantly use the experience to mentally get better.
When I was able to make this acceptance a part of my growth as a person, everything changed that day!! Oh yea, we have to practice it on a daily basis. It is easy to be positive when things are going well, but the true test is not where we stand in times of comfort, but during times of struggle.
Turn your obstacles into opportunities.
1 comentariu
Mircea Olaru •
by Google translate / M.Olaru writes: If I understand well what mean
'robbed'..., I try to answer you so - "" detection of doping subject
overmedicate sensation, scandal, especially in the media, the rule
prohibiting athletes are penalized for practicing the discipline in
which they were found and that's it!
However, practice shows that doping has gone from empirical to the developed, designed, premeditated others than would be called 'victim'.
So if an athlete is found positive normal as those who have 'prepared' him to be punished even more severely than the 'victim' ...
Many coaches of the doped go to get all kinds of benefits and especially the moral and material they 'parade' in front of us, as it was a mere coincidence and therefore 'less likely to be repeated there' .. ., or life shows that they continue to premeditate doping activities are tolerated when they should be, in my opinion, excluded from the activity, definitively and irrevocably [ie to withdraw all their 'honors' obtained fraudulently].
In this narrow field [punishment mentors] I noticed punitive measures exist and then ask: is it fair that only a 'victim' actually suffer when the 'back' or 'back' they are more profitable?""
Not being 'expert' to write on your website, you write and email address on which, perhaps, would have got to give me an answer <> Mircea Olaru, swimming coach, May 4, 2013 / 77 years [ this was one text translate by Google...]
However, practice shows that doping has gone from empirical to the developed, designed, premeditated others than would be called 'victim'.
So if an athlete is found positive normal as those who have 'prepared' him to be punished even more severely than the 'victim' ...
Many coaches of the doped go to get all kinds of benefits and especially the moral and material they 'parade' in front of us, as it was a mere coincidence and therefore 'less likely to be repeated there' .. ., or life shows that they continue to premeditate doping activities are tolerated when they should be, in my opinion, excluded from the activity, definitively and irrevocably [ie to withdraw all their 'honors' obtained fraudulently].
In this narrow field [punishment mentors] I noticed punitive measures exist and then ask: is it fair that only a 'victim' actually suffer when the 'back' or 'back' they are more profitable?""
Not being 'expert' to write on your website, you write and email address on which, perhaps, would have got to give me an answer <> Mircea Olaru, swimming coach, May 4, 2013 / 77 years [ this was one text translate by Google...]

de Înot Braşov reapare în peisajul sportiv braşovean ca o necesitate a
revigorării înotului braşovean, după ce iniţial a existat între anii
1979-1986 (când s-a transformat în Centrul de Inot Steagul Rosu Braşov)
sub conducerea Antrenorului Emerit Mihai Mitrofan şi Anca Mitrofan. Ca
omagiu şi mulţumire pentru întreaga
activitate închinată nataţiei românesti a antrenorului Emerit Mihai
Mitrofan, pentru coeziunea generaţiilor de sportivi educaţi şi crescuţi
de aceşti profesori, Centrul de Înot Braşov renaşte în 2013. Acest
Centru sportiv are ca scop organizarea activităţii de nataţie în
Brasov, la cel mai înalt nivel de calitate profesională. Se adresează
tuturor categoriile de vârstă, de la copii până la adulţi şi acoperă
nivelele de iniţiere înot, avansati, performanţă, master, agreement,
dezvoltare corporală armonioasă, întreţinere corporală şi recuperare
prin înot.
În Centrul de Înot Braşov sunt angrenaţi specialişti ai domeniului, cu multă experienţă teoretică şi practică, pasionaţi de înot şi dispuşi să-şi îndrepte toată capacitatea de muncă pentru activitatea sportivă a înotului braşovean . Pregătirea teoretică este susţinută de şcolarizarea în Universităţi de Educaţie fizică şi sport şi la şcoala de Antrenori a Academiei Naţionale de Educaţie fizică şi sport Bucureşti. Pregătirea practică este acreditată de clasificările sportive la nivel naţional şi internaţional ale membrilor Centrului de Înot.
În Centrul de Înot Braşov sunt angrenaţi specialişti ai domeniului, cu multă experienţă teoretică şi practică, pasionaţi de înot şi dispuşi să-şi îndrepte toată capacitatea de muncă pentru activitatea sportivă a înotului braşovean . Pregătirea teoretică este susţinută de şcolarizarea în Universităţi de Educaţie fizică şi sport şi la şcoala de Antrenori a Academiei Naţionale de Educaţie fizică şi sport Bucureşti. Pregătirea practică este acreditată de clasificările sportive la nivel naţional şi internaţional ale membrilor Centrului de Înot.
- Lui Dragomir Anamaria îi place asta.
- Mircea Olaru SPOVEDANIA UNUI ANTRENOR...; sunteti deja in garda, mai demult, am declarat ca 2 lucruri imi displac:dopingul si fortarea copiilor. Evident ca ds. doping nu am decat sa spun un singur cuvant NU am folosit iar ds. fortare copiilor am si eu ceva pacate..; bref, eu, dupa cca 5-6 ani de la inceperea activitatii [promitatoare] cu o grupa experimentala...., am simitit ca 'bat apa in piua'; am stat 'stramb' dar am concluzionat 'drept': am cam fortat pregatirea lor [ aparuse o maestra a sportului, niste campioni de juniori, chair si un titlu de seniori dar descalificat, infine], visele marete nu le mai distingeam - asa am ajuns sa observ rezultatele BUNE a altora. Eram cu totii in acelas bazin/Tineretului+Floreasca.., 'stiam' tot ce misca la 'ei'., chair copiam unele antrenamente, progresele asteptate nu s-au vazut si evident era vina mea [dupa o vreme, dupa ce m-am 'calificat' la turcaleti, revenind in tara am preluat grupa lui Gicu Demeca si la scurt timp Roxi Dumitrescu si Petrica Ciomartan / fosti elevi de-ai mei..., au facurt asteptatele recorduri, deci 'ceva se schimbase in conduita mea...].
- Mircea Olaru Mi-am facut 'auto-controlul' si am dedus care-mi pot fi greselile dar tot 'cercetand' diverse izvoare..., am descoperit, treptat, ca explicatia vine dintr-un sector 'ocult', de mine categoric dezavuat... si stiti la ce ma refer. Ramane ca o simpla aluzie pentru voi, carora ma 'spovedesc' - dece ....'ei' Da iar ....'eu' Nu...? Curand mi-am 'luat adio' de la stabilirea de OP-uri [Obiective de performanta in nomenclatura noastra] si am devenit un observator', de multe ori... incomod fata de un fenomen care nu avea logica si, mai ales, nu avea sfarsit.vineri la 15:36 · Editat · Îmi place · 1
- Mircea Olaru Voi ruga, pe cei care pot sa-mi dea replica, ca fosti sportivi de performanta, daca rezultatele lor au fost perfect 'curate' sa ma condamne si sa ma invite a ma duce la naiba cu minciunile mele, cu frustrarile mele; accept orice epitete sau explicatii.., va rog ! Asta a fost 'spovedania mea' si 'ieratrea/ pedepsirea' poa sa vina....
- Mircea Olaru Azi e Vienrea Mare... si daca am pacatuit, Doamne Iarta-ma de poti....vineri la 15:41 · Editat · Îmi place · 1
- Tavi Budiu Cred ca lista ar fi destul de lunga. Desigur ca orice padure are si uscaturi.
- Mircea Olaru ..., asteptam o reactie in lant,ca la o fuziune atomica.
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