[Despre Inot - cu Mircea Olaru, ph.ed] cautati : www.totalimmersion.net
To Me
Today at 10:34 AM

TOTAL IMMERSION este numele unei noi metode de invatare a inotului,
autorul ei se numeste Terry Loughlin, USA.
Are in vedere numai invatarea inotului sportiv iar 'targetul' principal este invatarea perfecta a tehnicii celor 4 procedee competitionale incepand de la primul 'obstacol' care este resimtit din plin de orice incepator - invatarea respiratiei ... dar ds. aceste amanunte vom mai vorbi...
Total Immersion (in continuare TI) a devenit un conce
'Sucursale' animatorului Terry Loughlin sunt gasite pe toate continentele si deci in multe, multe tari (cea mai apropiata de noi fiind cea din Polonia).
Daca sunteti interesati de o colaborare cu TI – nu ezitati si contactatii / vezi adresa TI, mai jos
Dece se face atata vorbire ds. acest nou concept al unei activitati vechi de cand lumea...?
2. Deoarece in cuprinsul TI, unele exercitii le-am regasit si in pregatirea celui mai 'mare' inotator al timpurilor ... Michael Phelps (18 medalii la ultimile 3 olimpiade) + antrenorul acestuia Bob Bowman provenind, la debutul sau, din 'liga terry laughlin', deci este un adept al metodei TI (presupunerea mea, poate doar o simpla speculatie, vom vedea...).
3. Deoarece cu TI, calea aleasa de Terry este alta decat ne-am obisnuit noi. La 'el' totul incepe cu obisnuirea subiectului la o noua pozitie de inaintare ('fish position'); este o pozitie, pe care, am putea-o numi 'pe-o parte'..., noi fiind cei care am descris mereu pozitiile fundamentale la inotul sportiv ca fiind 2 (culcat ventral sau culcat dorsal) si iata, Terry mai adauga noi ipostaze - 'culcat lateral', pe partea dreapta sau pe partea stanga... daca stam sa ne gandim bine, inotatorul ideal, cu tehnica perfecta, 'petrece' mare parte dintr-un ciclu alternativ de miscare (la procedeul spate sau craul) fiind culcat pe-o parte, timp care nu poate fi ignorat + mai este ceva - se pare ca multe vietuitoare in apa folosesc aceasta pozitie pentru a se deplasa, adica mi se pare chiar foarte natural ca un specialist iscusit cum este Terry sa sesizeze acest fapt important care , pentru multi dintre noi, a trecut neobservat.
4. Deoarece prin TI, obisnuindu-l pe subiect cu aceasta pozitie laterala, oferi acestuia posibilitatea lejera de a opta pentru trecerea, adoptarea unei alte pozitii din cele doua numite de noi 'fundamentale', iar daca la aceasta schimbare se adauga si actul respirator... vom remarca ca este mai usor sa intorci capul spre a priza aer din pozitie laterala decat din cea culcat-ventrala.
5. Deoarece conceptul TI 'ataca' invatarea celor 4 procedee aproape 'concomitent'; de fapt linia metodica folosita incepe cu invatarea pozitiilor amintite in compania obisnuirii cu respiratia (evident la adancime mica a apei si sub supravegherea atenta a instructorului...!): apoi este marcata miscarea picioarelor (intai miscarile alternative, apoi cele de ondulare si in final cele de vaslire eliptica pentru bras, iarasi - in cat mai multe dintre pozitiile anterior descrise); toate aceste secvente sunt 'alimentate' cu parti ale miscarilor de brate : atentie - la incepulul pregatirii nu cu miscarea in intregimea ei ci cu secvente, de ex.: faza de 'apucare' a apei, repetata de zeci de ori..., faza de impingere biciuita, sau faza de vaslire cu brate bras dar in secvente scurte/ pana la barbie, la inceput combinate cu ondulatii delfin(!), apoi cu trecere treptata la vaslirile eliptice cu picioare bras, samd; apoi se ajunge, treptat, la coodonari mai ample cu diferite tipuri de efort dar cu un executant bine adaptat la cerintele tehnicii corecte... fara aceasta cerinta, majora la inot, nu se poate 'cere' /'astepta' performanta ...!!!
Aceasta ultra succinta sinteza a TI incearca sa trezeasca interesul celui implicat in aceasta activitate pentru a cauta sa inteleaga diversitatea de 'mini-exercitii' care compun o lectie de invatare a inotului; unele exercitii vor ramane , apoi, ca exercitii de antrenament cu adresa - fie la inotul de relaxare, compensator ('inot' mult pretuit de inotatorii americani...!), fie ca exercitii/efort, de legatura intre seturile importante ale antrenamentului cu intervale etc. TI ofera o gama larga de exercitii cu care se poate atenua monotonia lectiilor care uneori dureaza 4-5 ore/sedinta (evident in perioadele de acumulari cantitative ..., aviz amatorilor de 'senzatii tari').
Sper ca accesand adresa TI, pe internet, veti gasi dovezi mai multe decat cele semnalate de mine; observatiile vs. le astept cu placere la adresa mea de email (scanave@yahoo.com) cu scopul de ale publica pentru stiinta tuturora.
iata o prima corespondenta cu TI din care am putea avea mai multe de invatat :
Total Immersion and Tennis Club 2000
Friday, February 27, 2009 3:51 AMFrom: "TERRY LAUGHLIN"
Add sender to Contacts To: scanave@yahoo.com
Cc: "Kevin Sutton" , "keith woodburn" ,
"Pawel Lewicki" , "Tomas Vojtechovsky" tomvojt@gmail.com
>>Dears friends,
> My name is Mircea Olaru, and I'm a swim-coach from Bucharest, Romania. I'm 73 old and I'm a 'technichal director' at our swimming pool (25m),
"Tennis club 2000" Bucharest (+40214343572, president Mr. Marian Sotae, postal address - str.Gabriela Szabo nr. 3, Bucharest VI).
> We've found some information about Total Immersion and we really appreciate this concept destined to help all swimmers improve their technique.
> Please let us know what are your conditions in order for us to become affiliated to your program etc.
> Prof. M. Olaru, ph.ed
I'm delighted to hear of your interest in Total Immersion and to make your acquaintance.
We would be most interested in helping you introduce Total Immersion to Romania. (My middle daughter, Cari, who is now 29 and a TI teacher, spent a summer in Romania in 1994 with her friend Raluca, a Romanian emigre.)
Please tell us a bit more about your programs and how you envision TI as a factor in them.
Do you teach swimming lessons as well as coach competitive swimmers?
If you teach lessons, what ages do you teach?
Children as well as adults?
Any triathletes or Masters swimmers?
How many hours a week are devoted to lessons?
Approximately how many students of each type or age?
If you have a swim team, how many swimmers are you training?
Are you interested in employing Total Immersion methods at all levels of your program?
Would you like to advertise your instruction to the public as "Total Immersion."All of this is possible but the scope of your ambitions or goals will determine the training and support we would need to provide.
We have no trained TI instructors in Romania at present, but we do have one in Central Europe - Pawel Lewicki in Poland.
We also have a partner in Prague, Tomas Vojtechovsky, who is currently selling Czech language versions of two of our DVDs and is seeking a Czech publisher for TI books.
He intends to come to the US for training as a coach in the near future. It is possible we could offer training to you and your teaching and coaching staff via streaming video and downloadable manuals. Someone there would have to take responsibility for translating t
hese materials from English into Romanian. There is also the possibility that Pawel, who has had considerable training with me, could conduct some training in a relatively convenient location. And finally, we could examine any members of your staff who will teach TI via video you upload to youtube or a similar web site. One thing we would want to emphasize about Total Immersion is that we require our trained coaches to do more than teach. We require that they master the form in their own swimming before they teach it to anyone else.
This is so for several reasons:
1) It helps them understand the challenges their own swimmers will face in learning the drills and skills.
2) The teachers' experience in mastering the drills and skills gives them "tips and tricks" they can pass along to their students.
3) The beautiful TI form they demonstrate should inspire their students to want to swim the same way, and
4) Most people are visual learners.
They learn best by watching then imitating what they saw. not by listening.
Thus we expect our instructors to teach by showing.
They must be able to demonstrate the skills in a very accurate manner, in the water -- and demonstrate what their students are doing.
When the student sees the teacher demonstrate what he IS doing,
immediately followed by what he SHOULD be doing, he or she learns much faster.
In the US, all candidates for teacher training must complete a weekend workshop plus 60 hours of practice - then submit an "audition" video - to be considered for training.
Do you have instructors who have already begun learning TI technique?
If so, could you upload some video to youtube or another web site?
For us, it's important to know how well prepared your candidates for TI teacher training are.
I look forward to further discussion with you, and perhaps one day to visit Bucharest myself and watch TI swimming and teaching there.--
Swim well -- Live well,
Terry Laughlin
Head Coach & CEO (Chief Executive Optimist)
See TI swimming in action at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQ-jaWKjHus&fmt=18.
Then get our free e-book at http://www.totalimmersion.net/free-stuff
It's not just swimming. It's Total Immersion!
>•´¯`•.¸ .•´¯`•.> ¸.•´¯`•.¸.•´¯`•.>•´¯`•.¸
Total Immersion in Poland
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 7:05 PM
From: "Pawe%u0142 Lewicki"
View contact details To: scanave@yahoo.com
I am a director of Total Immersion in Poland and just got a message from Terry that you are a keen fan of TI.
If I can be of any help with starting the TI program, let me know.
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Publicat de către Blogger la Despre Inot - cu Mircea Olaru, ph.ed , 7/17/2010 04:19:00 PM
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